Elevating transformative ideas for good.

We are a front-end innovation strategy firm staffed by creative problem solvers and future builders who can help you navigate the complexity and ambiguity of sourcing, vetting, and refining ideas. We have a proven track record of securing millions of dollars of funding for groundbreaking projects and have successfully guided organizations through past 100&Change submissions, transforming visionary ideas into actionable plans. We know from experience that one of the most challenging parts of the process is sourcing, improving, and selecting that ONE idea for submission. Our innovation strategy, design thinking, and expert facilitation services converge into a structured support package designed to:

Source great ideas. Combining open innovation theory with the technical strengths of your programming, we create a collaborative space for front-end innovation to source and vet the top ideas from your organization. 

Validate and prioritize the top ideas with evidence and data so you can make an informed decision, aligned with the competition rubric.

Synthesize the top three ideas into digestible concepts. We streamline the top three ideas into a cohesive one-page concept to be utilized by leadership to select the concept for submission.

What you can expect: 

A series of up to three workshops to kick-start idea generation, along with a prioritization process based on the specifications of the 100&change scoring rubric to vet the top three ideas.

One report for each of the top three ideas, including market research, competitor analysis, trends and foresight, and alignment with the competition rubric to validate the top three ideas.

A one-page brief on each of the top three ideas to hand off to organizational decision-makers

What we don’t do: 

  • Run the business development/proposal process

  • Ensure that your submission meets the MacArthur guidelines

  • Write the proposal 

  • Design budgets, implementation plans, log frames

  • Submit your proposal 

What makes a super successful partnership: 

  • You have reviewed the MacArthur guidelines and understand the commitment.

  • You have a dedicated team of staff ready to partner with us. This usually involves the proposal manager, the technical lead, and possibly a dedicated writer. 

  • You understand that our strengths lie in getting your process started through expert facilitation, co-creation, and the vetting of ideas. 

  • You understand that we will hand over the top three ideas with supporting evidence to your team to then make the final idea selection and complete the proposal process. 

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